What about CYBERCRIME?

It´s quite frightening to realize that most of us are vulnerable users, As the lawyer Pablo Maza says "The profile of the victim of cybercrime is almost the entire population that with their conduct favours in 99% of cases the victim of cybercrime." Impressive is to know that we completely fit the profile of victims of cybercrime. Most of these crimes are indeed committed against people who handle confidential information, but we must know that our daily habits on the Internet and with the ICTs leave us without any protection against these criminals. I think that, as in Spain, we should have an organization dedicated to this type of crime, the Spanish Judicial Police has a Technological Investigation Unit (ITU) divided into two brigades: the Technological Investigation Central Brigade and the Computer Security Central Brigade. at the same time in Mexico, we have Article 167 fr.VI of the Federal Penal Code sanctions with prison and fine for intentionally or for-profit interrupting or interfere with wireline, wireless or fibre-optic communications, whether telegraphic, telephone or satellite, by means of which transmit audio, video or data signals. In my opinion, something short for the large number of crimes that are committed.
We have ourselves to avoid this type of crime being careful and taking all kinds of precautionary measures to avoid being victims. Being aware that the internet has given us fabulous opportunities and has united us with great people, but now that the doors have opened, some insect may enter or reach us. 

Now feel free to read the following research to be more informed about cybercrime.


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