Digital Marketing is one o f the most useful development for business because this has a lot of advantages for traders and also ourselves as customers. For example, once a Youtuber said that when a merchant gives you a flier is like saying "Could you throw this for me?". Now, with digital marketing, the shops or companies doesn't have to print lots and lots of fliers, so this is a very eco-friendly option to save our world, also, now that our society is influenced by technology, it matters what social media says because fewer people read fliers or newspaper, but everyone is online at every time of the day, checking social media, watching streaming services or surfing on the internet. Consumers can see every type of marketing, and nowadays also buy on the internet. This option could have disadvantages for traders, but I think that for consumers the only negative thing is that sometimes this digital marketing can be very annoying, but in general terms, this option is really reachable for traders. 


  1. I agree with you that digital marketing is ecofriendly and it has worked a lot because it allows us to be aware of everything we want when we want it, today we can feel lucky to live in an age that has all the information we are always looking for, from a much more accesible and faster way, just within reach of internet connection.


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