Digital Divide

One of the things that I believe it’s the fact that people have the ICT as a deep need, so countries without enough resources to access to the ICT are demanding this technologies has a right and not so as a luxury. The technology is evolving fastly, first world countries catch these advances easily, but developing countries can´t do this, that's the main reason why there is a digital divide. There's is a real struggle and is that this digital divide generates inequality between people who don´t have access and ones who can have the freshest updates in Technology. Us as a developing country, we have lots of issues in technology, for example, the slow WiFi signal and poor infrastructure.
I think that is a disadvantage, the fact of needing technology, the human being must not depend on technology, it is good to have these tools to improve our lifestyle, like in education, medicine, communication or other fields of research, but we are moving away from the real-life.


  1. LIke you said digital divide is inequality between people because developing countries have this as a luxury but it has to be a right like in developed countries.ICT's are very importat because it can give us benefits in terms of medicine, education , communication and science and that improves and develops society and if we want to make a better world we have to include people to ICT's and more important to internet because is the bridge to information and actualization.


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